Tegnap elérkezett hát a várva várt pillanat, hátunkra vettük a világot, és elindultunk Amerikába. Reggel 6.00-kor indultunk Balatonfüred városából, hogy elérjük a gépünket, ami Bécsből indult volna 11.40-kor. Ez végül a csúszások miatt 12.20-ra tolódott, és csak magyar idő szerint 15 óra körül érkeztünk meg London Heathrow-ra. Szerencsére ez a kis csúszás nem okozott gondot, mivel a New York-ba induló járatunk indulását egy órával későbbre tették, így kényelmesen végigmehettünk a reptéren és telefonálhattunk egy kis trükkel ;) A következő gépünk felszállására már nem kellett, csak 25 percet várnunk, ami tekintve a sok csúszás igazán jónak mondható. Maga az út eléggé monoton volt és zajos, de megpróbáltuk elütni zenehallgatással és filmezéssel az időt. Megérkezésünk után viszonylag hamar átjutottunk a reptéri ellenőrzésen és mehettünk is a szállásra, amit végül 22 óra utazás után elfoglalhattunk.
Ennyit a tegnapi napról, most indulunk is, és lehetőleg sokkal több képpel és élménnyel együtt fogunk visszatérni!
Good Morning from New York. The sun is shining beautifly, the weather is nice and the town is extremely loud and lively.
Yestarday finally arrived, the long awaited moment, when we packed up, and set off to America. We started our trip from Balatonfüred at 6 o'clock in the morning to catch our flight in Vienna, which was scheduled to take off at 11.40. It eventually shifted to 12.20, due to delays, and we arrived to London Heathrow around three o'clock (CET). Fortunately this little error in the plan was not a problem, because they delayed our departure with one hour, so we could walk a little around the airport and make some calls with a lil' trick ;) Fortunately we only had to wait 25 minutes for our flight to take off after boarding, which was not so bad compared to the other delays all day. The trail itself was quite monotonous and loud, but we tried to pass the time by listening to music and watching movies. After our landing we got through the airport security checks relatively quickly and we were ready to go to our accomodation, which we occupied eventually at ten o'clock in the afternoon (ET), after 22 hours of travelling.
So this was our yestarday, we are all rested and ready to hit the city, hopefully we gonna come back with more pictures and memories :)
Good Morning from New York. The sun is shining beautifly, the weather is nice and the town is extremely loud and lively.
Yestarday finally arrived, the long awaited moment, when we packed up, and set off to America. We started our trip from Balatonfüred at 6 o'clock in the morning to catch our flight in Vienna, which was scheduled to take off at 11.40. It eventually shifted to 12.20, due to delays, and we arrived to London Heathrow around three o'clock (CET). Fortunately this little error in the plan was not a problem, because they delayed our departure with one hour, so we could walk a little around the airport and make some calls with a lil' trick ;) Fortunately we only had to wait 25 minutes for our flight to take off after boarding, which was not so bad compared to the other delays all day. The trail itself was quite monotonous and loud, but we tried to pass the time by listening to music and watching movies. After our landing we got through the airport security checks relatively quickly and we were ready to go to our accomodation, which we occupied eventually at ten o'clock in the afternoon (ET), after 22 hours of travelling.
So this was our yestarday, we are all rested and ready to hit the city, hopefully we gonna come back with more pictures and memories :)
Zsolti Amigo
Zsolti és Taki, avagy az Amigo brothers
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